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Ultimately, the project team determined five dimensions based on the literature review, instructional practices, the video data, and desirable collaborative behaviors. The original dimensions consisted of (1) Student-directed Learning, (2) Positive Communication, (3) Inquiry Rich/Multiple Paths, (4) Authentic Approach and Tasks, and (5) Transdisciplinary Thinking. Within each dimension, attributes delineate desired behaviors for researchers and/or teachers to rate individual students as needs work, acceptable, or proficient on each attribute. The dimensions, when compared to other CPS frameworks, are specific to STEAM (e.g., transdisciplinarity is not common in typical comprehensive curricula, nor is the combination of an instructional environment offering all five dimensions). While it might be argued that many attributes are germane to integrative STEM activities, the keen focus during STEAM instruction on students collaboratively exploring inquiry rich/multiple paths in order to encourage them to pose new questions, along with the emphasis on transdisicplinary thinking as they present a variety of solutions to particular problems differentiate the two concepts.

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